What Allaah-SWT showed to His-SWT Prophet-SW in the dream will come true. The believers ‘Insha-Allah', shall enter the Sacred Precincts and will go round the K`abah in Tawaf in peace, without any apprehensions whatever.
InshaAllah (Allah-SWT Willing)
In this Ayah, Allaah-SWT the Omnipotent has added ‘Insha-Allah' when referring to a future event to educate the believers. So every believer must always say so when referring to any future affair, by putting his best efforts to accomplish it. It is wrong to relax and expect results because In-sha-Allah has been invoked. The Quran prophesies that the believers will have their heads shaven or hair cropped without any fear. So the following year they availed `Umrah, and a year later Makkah was taken removing all hindrances forever. He-SWT could have led the believers to 'Umrah right away, but in His-SWT Infinite Wisdom, the Jews were to be vanquished first in order to demoralise the infidels and to close the doors of any outside support to them. And He-SWT intended to strengthen the believers with the spoils of war at Khyber, and render the victory of Islam a cause of mass conversion to it, adding to the glory of Islam and the Muslims.
Worldly Means
It is clear how in this world of cause and effect Allaah-SWT emphasises the need to employ visible means. Those who simply sit idle must learn a lesson and exert practically to implement Islam. The Supreme Being raised His-SWT Messenger-SW with True Din, directing him-SW to handle every affair of life in the most accurate manner so that Islam prevails over all ungodly religions.
Dominance of Islam is Forever
The True Din remains dominant over all ungodly religious for all times to come in two ways: (1) the powerful arguments it puts forth; (2) the political and material means, prerequisite being the uprightness of the believers both in intentions and in actions, as demonstrated by the Companions-RAU. If the infidels enjoy dominance today, it is because of the evil doings, absence of sincerity, and weariness towards Din by us. May Allaah-SWT grant us the sense to get over this callousness!
Allah-SWT declares that Muhammad-SW is His-SWT Messenger-SW; who need not be grieved by refusal of the infidels to scribe this fact on the Treaty, as Allaah-SWT has made it the cardinal statement of Islam to be repeated for all times to come. A striking sign of his-SW greatness are his-SW Companions-RAU, groomed by him-SW.
Companions-RAU Manifest the Holy Prophet's-SW Greatness
As a result of the Holy Prophet-SW ‘s company, their emotions of love and hate were moulded according to Islam, in a manner that they had been extremely caring towards one another and thoroughly invincible for the infidels. In all revolutions of the world, the leaders exploited the emotions of the masses momentarily, such as Hitler, Mao or other stalwarts while the, revolution wrought by Allah-SWT's Messenger-SW is not an emotional one. It is a conscious and factual change. His-SWT true followers are men of the highest order who enjoy complete mastery over their emotions. They know how and where to employ the feelings of love and hate, and have so disciplined these powers as to display at the right time and place. Praise be to Allaah-SWT !
O' Reader! You will find them conducting all affairs of life with utmost devotion. Obedience to the Holy Prophet-SW is a worship by itself; so every moment of their lives is marked with Ruku' and Sujud which means that whether it is worship or Jihad, they are purely in pursuit of Allah-SWT's Pleasure and Mercy. Their noble faces are radiant with the light of His-SWT nearness and their foreheads glow with His-SWT Refulgence, beaming out the light of worships and prostration. This description has been given by Allaah-SWT in the Torah as well as in the Bible, as if it were a harvest wherein a seed sprouts its shoot first, then strengthens and rises firmly upon its stalk delighting the sower, while the hearts of the infidels and the opponents singe with spite.
Spite Towards the Companions-RAU
Obviously when the preceding Divine Books testified to the veracity and trustworthiness of the Companions-RAU, it became an essential part of the faith of those nations to whom these were revealed. So how can there be any room to harbour doubts over the credibility of the Companions-RAU after the revelation of Quran? This also shows that it is typical of the infidels to be spiteful towards them. To raise objections and criticise them is, therefore, an act of infidelity. Ruh ul Mini quotes Imam Malik-RUA that infidelity of the Shi`ites is established from this Ãyah, as they are spiteful towards them. And those who believed in and obeyed the Holy Prophet-SW are promised forgiveness and salvation in the Akhirah, with a mighty recompense. The critics must also ponder over the Divine Promise that even if, by virtue of being human, the Companions-RAU had erred, Allaah-SWT shall forgive them, a fact amply reinforced by Ahâdĩth.